The Downey Patriot

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Warren High adds new clubs & diversity

DOWNEY - Looking for ways to be more involved with the school and community, students at Warren High School have started new clubs.Of the 40 or so clubs on campus, there are four new additions: Flourish and Blott's, FIDM Fashion Club, Helping Hands, and Gay-Straight Alliance; Asian Appreciation Club is in the process of becoming finalized. Ranging from clubs established for over two decades and clubs that started merely last year, Warren clubs are helping to increase student involvement and sense of acceptance. Flourish and Blott's is named after the bookstore in the Harry Potter series in which Harry Potter, the protagonist, attains school books. Vice president Priscilla SanJuan said, "This club raises money for Advanced Placement classes for the books and supplies that are needed... we are small but growing." FIDM Fashion Club especially has shown to be popular among the students at warren. With over 100 students showing up to the meetings, FIDM Fashion Club plans to hold fashion shows where members will participate in the productions of make-up, clothes, jewelry, interior design, and modeling. Guest speakers have taught students cosmetology and more speakers are scheduled to come. President Alexis Hernandez said, "Well I thought since we never had a fashion club in our school why not make one? A lot of students at Warren High are interested in becoming designers or are just interested in fashion." Helping Hands, founded by Gihad Abdelhady is a club dedicated to helping out other clubs. Whether clubs need help making signs, fundraisers, or just extra hands for an event, this club's main objective is to make things easier. "I just wanted to start a club where we could get easy hours, help others, and? wouldn't have much of a hassle," said Abdelhady. Gay-Straight Alliance is a club previously on campus two years ago but restarted by senior Jaime Flores. Flores said, "I started this club because I wanted gays to have a place to hangout and relax." This club also tries to promote tolerance and unity at school through social events and community services such as the Day of Silence, where members and others will stay mute a whole day in remembrance of those beaten and killed for being gay. Asian Appreciation Club is in the process of becoming an official club by co-president Kenitza Carrillo. "I pretty much wanted to start it because my best friends are Asian and I love them and their culture. They are so smart, funny, and they have this crazy work ethic I envy them for. I want to spread that appreciation throughout the Warren Campus... we still have many more things to plan out." Among these plans, this club intends to have events where ethnic Asian foods are tasted, the process of making those foods shared, Asian holidays celebrated, and have trips to areas like Little Tokyo. Asian Appreciation Club especially plans on fund-raising money to donate to charities committed to helping Asia. With many diverse clubs on campus at Warren High School, students may gain a sense of commitment, belonging, and involvement when part of a club.

********** Published: October 21, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 27