The Downey Patriot

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Unprofessional mayor

Dear Editor:I attended the town hall meeting presented by Councilman Mario Guerra on Oct. 17. As a concerned Downey homeowner, I raised my concerns regarding the closed Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships relative to bringing in new businesses at these locations. Mr. Guerra indicated that these locations were privately owned and that the city could not bring in new business to privately-owned property. This information was also reiterated by Mayor Roger Brossmer. However, neither indicated the city's willingness to make attempts to try. Instead, I learned that an additional new shopping center is being planned on some of the space that was being used by Downey Studios. Mr. Guerra appeared to be his usual professional self. However, the mayor seemed agitated at my bringing this matter to his attention. He behavior was appalling as I cannot believe an individual in such a position cannot present himself in a professional manner. Shame on you, Mr. Brossmer. You need to take a good look at Councilman Guerra and learn some professionalism. The city of Downey deserves no less. Michael Rodriguez Downey

********** Published: October 25, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 28