The Downey Patriot

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Tragedy avoided

Dear Editor:As many people know by now, Pieloon restaurant suffered a fire last weekend due to a faulty wire on the roof. I would publicly like to take this opportunity to thank the Downey Police Department and Downey Fire Department for their quick response that made all the difference between what could have been a major catastrophe and the moderate damage that the restaurant received. The police officers and firefighters who responded were very caring and sensitive to our feelings and to our loss, and they stayed with us through that long night to ensure that the fire was indeed out, and that it would not reignite. I'd like to offer thanks also for the wonderful outpouring and well wishes of our community. We are overwhelmed by the wonderful people, our customers and friends, whom have joined us at this difficult time. Thanks for your support. Though it is a loss to our family and our community, we are working very diligently to repair the damages to Pieloon so that we may serve our customers once again, in the very near future. This wouldn't have even been a possibility had it not been for the rapid and conscientious work of the wonderful policemen and firefighters who responded that night. With eternal gratitude, -- Saul Haro, Owner, Pieloon restaurant

********** Published: November 11, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 30