The Downey Patriot

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Tips when starting a diet

DOWNEY - Diets can hurt more than they help - the key is to keep it simple and make it a lifestyle in such a way that your stick to it for life.Try some of these nutrition tips to help you with your weight loss goals: *cut your portions in half; by doing so, you cut your calories down *eat something every three hours; this prevents you from overeating *eat most of your carbs earlier in the day; this will help you drop body fat *if you have a sweet tooth, cut up fruit and put a little Splenda on it Take it a day at a time; if you cheat, it's not the end of the world. Just get back on it and watch the pounds drop off and stay off Carl Causly is a certified trainer and teachers a Body Sculpt and Body Sculpt 50-Plus class at the Barbara J. Riley Community & Senior Center. E-mail your fitness questions to or find him on Twitter at @trainwithcarl

********** Published: July 19, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 14