The Downey Patriot

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Ticket prices

Dear Editor:It breaks my heart to hear that our local theater is failing to attract enough people to their new lineup of entertaining shows, but I have to disagree with Gary Head about the tickets not being high-priced. ("New Era at Downey Theatre Off to a Rough Start," 1/27/11) In this economy, $25 a ticket is high-priced. That means a family of four would spend, if there was a student discount, around $70-$80 for the show. My husband and I are not struggling to the degree that many people in town are, but we can't afford that! Even going to the movies has become a once-every-few-months outing because of that expense. Lower the ticket prices, even by $10, and you will fill the theater. The same for the symphony concerts. We would love to attend these valuable cultural events, but cannot find the extra money to do so on any kind of regular basis. Would the symphony consider charging maybe $5 a person to attend their rehearsals? We would instantly become regular supporters. I understand Mr. Head's disappointment, but the residents of Downey are not "afraid of new things" nor do we wish to snub the arts. We just can't afford them. Can we bring back the more affordable vaudeville acts of old? -- Alaina Niemann, Downey

Dear Editor: I had to respond to the article regarding the low attendance for the recent comedy event at the Downey Theatre. I was first excited to see a family event of comedy in my own backyard. I was immediately disappointed when I saw the prices: $40 for adults and $30 for children. My wife and I have been blessed with good jobs and two beautiful children. However, we also know our limits when it comes to what we should spend. The tickets were overpriced by about $15 per person. I didn't need food to be served and would have been just as happy to purchase hot chocolate and a doughnut afterwards if given the option. Promoters need to realize mass sales at a lower price can be just as profitable than minimal sales at a higher price. We know our limits as a family and it sounds like a large part of Downey knows the same. Lower the prices and we will come. -- Mark R. Lopez, Downey

********** Published: February 03, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 42