The Downey Patriot

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Talking about Tesla

Dear Editor:Well, we "lost" Tesla and so there won't be any Downey taxpayer monies going to support CEO Elon Musk, who burns through $200K/month personally, while his company has been burning through "only" $2.7 million/month (in a good month - while reporting a net loss for the most recent period of $29.5 million), that is being financed by the Obama stimulus package. ("Elon Musk Says He's Broke," 6/4/10) I just wonder how much spousal support Justine Musk is going to demand? There should be some heavy sighs of relief emitting from the City Manager's office, and from the council chambers, from being able (by pure blind luck) to dodge this bullet. - Drew Kelley, Downey

Dear Editor: Elon Musk is getting a divorce from Justine Musk. I guess he betrayed her like he betrayed Downey. At least his is consistent. - Mike Sandoval, Downey

********** Published: June 11, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 8