The Downey Patriot

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Support for the arts

Dear Editor:The city of Downey - those of us who attended the Downey Symphony's concert at the Downey Theatre on Saturday evening - was treated to a remarkable performance by one of the country's outstanding young violin virtuosos in her performance of the solo in Max Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor. It was an outstanding performance by Ms. Elizabeth Pitcairn, with matching support by the orchestra. What made the Downey Symphony's performance even more remarkable for those in the city was advocate for the arts was to see our fine mayor, Anne Bayer, step up on stage and recognize with a certificate Ms. Pitcairn for her performance. Mayor Bayer's unexpected action goes a long way in encouraging not only the Downey Symphony to keep doing all they can to continue to enrich the cultural-artistic ambiance of our city with its programs but also all those others who advocate for the arts for our fine city. As Mr. Lawrence Christon has often reminded us on this page, fostering, encouraging and supporting the arts is the mark of a city which cares for the quality of life of its residents. Our mayor should be commended for coming forth with a truly meaningful gesture of support for the Symphony and the performing arts in the community. - Harold Tseklenis, Downey

********** Published: April 16, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 52