The Downey Patriot

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Students raise $400 for charity

DOWNEY - Students and staff of the Rio San Gabriel School YMCA program hosted a bake sale Sept. 29 and raised $400 for Kristie's Foundation, which supports critically-ill children and their families.The students drew up posters, created thank-you notes for customers and donated the baked goods. "The purpose of this bake sale was not only to raise money for a worthy cause, but to teach the students philanthropy and I could not be any more proud of my students than I am now," said site director Katie Piazza. Students in the YMCA program practice the Character Counts program each day and "know the important of being good citizens in their community," Piazza added. The bake sale was sponsored by Rio San Gabriel principal Paula Barnes and other teachers.

********** Published: October 7, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 25