The Downey Patriot

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Students learn about finances

DOWNEY - Twenty third-grade students from the enrichment class at Ward Elementary School visited Downey Federal Credit Union on Jan. 27 to learn about saving money.Students received a tour of the credit union, making stops at the merchant teller, the teller window, member services and the loan department. At each station, the supervisor of that department explained what his or her job entailed, and did a demonstration of their job function. The tour ended in the president's office, where students learned what it's like to be president of a credit union. Students also learned how to write a check and balance a check book, and examined foreign currency before creating their own money. The credit union served lunch and led a question-and-answer session. "The credit union's purpose is to serve the city of Downey and educate our youth," said Barbara Lamberth, president of Downey Federal Credit Union. "We consistently offer financial education to all schools and residents in Downey throughout the year to help both students and their parents become more financially aware." Jennifer Robbins, principal of Ward Elementary, added that, "The students left the building with a better understanding of how a financial institution operates and how they can start saving."

********** Published: February 12, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 43