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Stay Gallery hosting solo show by Sean Kirkland

Contributed by Stay Gallery

On February 10th, Long Beach artist Sean Kirkland will have a solo show at Stay Gallery titled "Indigenous Conquest.". We invite everyone to come and celebrate the artist's successes and see the 15 pieces he will have on display.

Some of the images that he painted directly onto our walls have made appearances in the body of work that is being displayed at Stay Gallery in the month of February.

Sean's work has always been inspired by historical events, the untold stories throughout history. The series on display is comprised of work that focuses on the indigenous people of America, the European Conquest, and the clash between the two cultures.

He often depicts Indians, religious iconography, Spanish helmets, eagles, cartoons, and heavy symbolism hidden throughout most paintings. Using acrylic, oil, pastels, spray paint, wood, and canvas, Kirkland is able to create masterpieces that invite discussion. 

We met this artist last summer during a series of Art Nights where artists were invited to work on their current projects in our space, or directly draw on our walls. We were instantly captivated by the artwork Kirkland painted directly onto our walls and we immediately began communication for a solo show.