The Downey Patriot

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Space shuttle mock-up

Dear Editor:How exciting to see the Space Shuttle mock-up picture in Friday's L.A. Times. What wonderful memories it brought back to me just before Father's Day. My father spent a good part of his life working at that facility. And on family open house day we were able to view the plant and see the mock-up. This is a priceless artifact that we have. This was a dream. Men sat in their cubicles with their drawing boards, slide rulers and pencils to create a space truck. No computers yet. These dreams were the plans for the mock up, which was handmade in the shop. We have an amazing one-of-a-kind Space Learning Center. Some of us were a little disappointed -- we were thinking more museum. But now with the mock-up we have our museum. Whatever it takes we need to fight and fundraise to keep this treasure where it belongs here in Downey. And I hope the part of the article that said children would be climbing in that delicate cock pit was a misprint. Gracie Eshilian Downey

********** Published: June 21, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 10