The Downey Patriot

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Sertoma Club hosting Christmas dinner

Downey Sertoma Club members, top row, from left: Ilene Wheeler, President John McKinsey, Martha Call, Henry Call, Geri LIttle, Britt Rivers, Tom Little and Maurie Thomas. Bottom row: Sharon Tooley, Ardith Rivers, District Gov. Pat McCool, Sammi-Jo Dunphy and Judi Thomas.

DOWNEY – The Downey Sertoma Club will celebrate its 50th anniversary at its annual Toys for Tots Christmas dinner Tuesday, Dec. 9, at the Rio Hondo Event Center. The dinner begins at 6 p.m.

Sertoma’s expertise is their care for the deaf and hard of hearing, offering numerous scholarships to hearing-impaired students.

The service club also sponsors the Downey YMCA, PTA food pantry, Arc of L.A. and Orange Counties, Meals on Wheels, the Downey Rose Float Association, and annual fantasy ice skating and baseball camps for hard-of-hearing kids ages 6-17.

Sertoma also offers assistance for hard-of-hearing people to get hearing aids.

The group meets twice a month for dinner at Cafe N Stuff. New members are welcome.

For information, call Maurie Thomas at (562) 858-1201.



Published: Nov. 13, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 31