The Downey Patriot

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SEAACA takes part in earthquake drill

DOWNEY - The Southeast Area Animal Control Authority evacuated its facilities last Thursday in response to the statewide Shakeout Drill, designed to help municipalities prepare for a large scale earthquake.SEAACA staff and volunteers who make up the agency's Special Operations Response Team "were able to walk through it, kick the tires and understand the role it will play in our disaster response protocols," said Dan Morrison, executive director for SEAACA. "With alarms blaring and evacuation instructions being given over the radio, shelter workers secured their respective work areas, closed doors and headed outside to the parking lot in a timely and orderly fashion." After taking roll call and explaining the purpose of the drill, Capt. Aaron Reyes emphasized to his staff the importance of having an out-of-area contact. Also discussed were animal triaging, assisting injured pets and basic logistical protocol to house large numbers of pets in an outdoor setting. "What we learned today will not only help up (post disaster) at the animal care center, it will help us in our disaster response efforts within our communities," Morrison said. SEAACA reminded residents to keep at least a three-day food supply, water and other necessary items in case of a disaster.

********** Published: October 23, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 27