The Downey Patriot

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Salty stocking stuffers

Dear Editor: The season of giving is upon us and no two gifts could be more thoughtless than lottery scratchers and a star in the star registry.

By giving lottery scratchers to someone you care about, you’ll have essentially given them incredible odds of losing and the disappointment that comes with losing. Think about it. The chances are slim to none that your $5 or even $20 lottery scratcher will yield anything more than scratcher flakes all over the place and probably in the most annoying place, under his or her nails. So before you decide to light money on fire by stuffing a stocking with lottery scratchers, just drop the cash or a tangible and valuable gift card to a yummy place to eat in that red sock instead.

Maybe you’ve already heard the radio spot for the ridiculous opportunity to buy a star named after your loved one and published in a copyrighted “star registry”. As the rush-hour of gift buying approaches, you might feel creative enough to also light money on fire by buying this real estate gem for someone  who will likely consider you a foe once you give him or her a certificate that declares them the sole proprietor of a distant star. Think about the conundrum of trying to keep squatters off your star for the rest of your life.

It’s not worth it, so don’t do it. Like I’ve said, just drop the equivalent amount of cash or a tangible and valuable gift card to a yummy place to eat in that red sock instead.

This is the season of giving gifts not making rifts, so take my advice to heart, be smart, step away from the lotto machine and leave the stars to Hollywood. Happy Holidays!

Dan Chantre




Published: Dec. 11, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 35