The Downey Patriot

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Return of the bluebirds

Dear Editor:It was a delight to read the efforts to bring back the western bluebird to Southeast L.A. County. ("Bluebirds in Danger," Letters to the Editor, 5/31/12) As an avid birder and co-founding member of the Avian Surveillance Project for the hsitoric south campus of Rancho Los Amigos, I am happy to report numerous bluebirds have been sighted beginning in October 2010. They have been foraging with a mixed flock of migratory birds as well as bathing themselves in a dripping sprinkler system on this historic campus. Since this informal project was inaugurated three years ago, 57 species have been sighted. I am hoping this quiet historic campus and some of the park-like green space is preserved for the neighboring residents and our feathered friends. Birds in general need our help. Byron and Randy, thank you for placing nest boxes for the bluebirds. Your efforts are paying off. Liz Cordero Downey

********** Published: June 07, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 08