The Downey Patriot

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Report alleges abuse at county animal shelters

DOWNEY - An investigation by CBS 2 news uncovered alleged acts of animal abuse at several county animal shelters, including the one in Downey.CBS 2 said it obtained three surveillance videos that allegedly "show what some L.A. County animal shelter employees do when they think the public's not watching." According to the report, an animal control officer at the Downey shelter can be seen "putting his foot on the dog he just brought in. While it's fully restrained on what is called a catch pole, he pins the dog down, jabbing the pole in its throat." CBS 2 said it had surveillance videos from other shelters showing similar abuse. In a video from a Baldwin Park shelter, an animal control officer is apparently dragging a dog by a rope. Another officer is allegedly seen "flinging a Chihuahua into the cage. The tiny dog is tossed in like a piece of meat." CBS 2 also said it interviewed a former shelter worker, who said the task of euthanizing animals was a "sought after position." CBS 2 alleged that dogs were either intentionally or mistakenly euthanized after they were put on hold for adoption or were awaiting the return of their owners. The Los Angeles County animal shelter in Downey is at 11258 S. Garfield Ave. It is not to be confused with the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA), which is also in Downey. The complete CBS 2 report can be viewed online at

********** Published: May 22, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 5