The Downey Patriot

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Dear Editor:Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but, when I went school and studied the field of journalism, the elements of a well-written article were: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and perhaps How! In your front page article, "Redistricting Shakes Up Local Politics" (The Downey Patriot, 6/23/11), I see you left out the critical element of "the Why" as it relates to your headline. What is the "shakeup"? As a resident in the southwest portion of Downey, I am concerned with the analysis because I want to know "why" I care that my representation in the United States House of Representatives will not be the same person who represents the rest of Downey as long as I have equal representation that I am allowed to vote for and therefore, someone to contact in the House of Representatives. Redistricting is a fact of life that occurs every several years, so, if Mayor Luis Marquez can see into the future and glean "why" and how anyone will be adversely affected by this, he should let us know. Southwest Downey has always been the "ugly step sister" except for the "gateway project" which beautified the "entrance to the city" (financed mostly by "others" - meaning grants of "gas tax"); and, the recent Imperial Highway upgrade on the west side (again, financed mostly by "others"). Other than that (street-scape), I can't see any other city initiative which even relate to my portion of the city (except that my taxes are spent mostly in northeast Downey). In short, perhaps the wisdom of the proposal is the best for me, as perhaps I do have more in common with the residents who reside further west of the rest of Downey, and, therefore would have more of a voice joining with their representation. In past decades I have in fact been represented by Rep. Maxine Waters which resulted in my ultimate satisfaction (both Waters and Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard ultimately sold us out to the banks on Tarp after pretending to oppose it on the initial voting!) Just speculating however, I do know city officials have some "designs" on Rancho Los Amigos even though those "designs" are, so far as I know, a well kept secret! Could that have anything to do with the objections raised in your article, or is it some other less transparent reason? I do not profess to understand local politics and its direct or indirect relationship to national politics (as dictated by the state legislature in the process of redistricting), but, isn't it just "handouts" conjoined with what amounts to "influence peddling" that the city council is after? Wouldn't it be only a little harder to contact two house members to let your wishes be known in congress? I don't get it! -- Charles Gerlach, Downey

********** Published: June 30, 2011 - Volume 11 - Issue 10