The Downey Patriot

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Rebuttal to Roybal-Allard

Dear Editor:One of the few decisions I disagreed with President Ronald Reagan was when in 1986 he signed an immigration reform bill into law. The bill was sold as a crackdown on illegal aliens entering this country. I and probably millions of others did not believe it would work and believed he was wrong in signing the bill. The plan of this bill was to legalize the status of approximately 1.7 million illegal aliens in this country at that time. As I expected and is obvious today, the plan did not work. According to the Associated Press, today there are approximately 12 million illegal aliens in this country. Today, the federal government goes out of its way to object to any state attempting to do something about the illegal aliens in their respective state because Congress lacks the intestinal fortitude to act in a positive manner to pass legislation to address this problem. Arizona and Alabama are just two states the federal government is challenging in court because each state is passing initiatives to do something about the problem. The problem is costing their citizens millions of dolalrs every year in supporting illegal aliens in their respective states. Now I read where the federal government is now attacking Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I wonder who in the federal government is allowing or pushing for this kind of action. For those that do not believe that illegal aliens do not cost the American taxpayer millions, an example would be to look at the Dream Act and their supporters. A simple question: who paid the bill for the education of the illegal alien's children while they were in elementary and high school? Now many of these children are ready to enter college? Rep. Roybal-Allard says in the article published in The Downey Patriot last week that states are doing patchwork of laws and policies that will seriously undermine our efforts in Congress to find a way forward. ("Roybal-Allard Urges Supreme Court to Strike Down AB 1070," 12/15/11) Really? Exactly what is it that Congress is doing to correct this problem? I, for one, would like to know. I saw on television news the other night that approximately 3,000 people were sworn into our country as new citizens. I just wonder if it is possible many of the illegal aliens in this today country, as in 1986, do not want to be citizens of this country? And why is it that those caught up in the Dream Act by the illegal acts of their parents are afforded grants to go to college while many students of U.S. parents must obtain a student loan? My last question to Congresswoman Roybal-Allard is to know what exactly is the Hispanic Caucus she is apparently a proud member of? -- David Abney, Downey

********** Published: December 22, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 36