The Downey Patriot

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Rancho presenting women's health conference

DOWNEY - Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center will present its second annual Women's Health Conference on Saturday, Oct. 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rio Hondo Event Center, 10627 Old River School Rd., in Downey.There will be no charge for the event, which will include discussions by leading physicians and women's health experts about women's health issues and the mind/body/spirit connections that help women lead healthier lives. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Reservations may be made calling (562) 401-8111. "Last year's event was an early sellout, so we would suggest that those who wish to attend may wish to make their reservations as soon as possible," said Conference Chair Yaga Szlachcic, MD. "We are very excited about this year's lineup, so much so that we moved the conference from the Rancho campus to the much more spacious Rio Hondo Event Center so that we could acccomodate many more women at this year's conference." "Last year's Women's Health Conference was an uplifting and fun way to learn about strategies for successful aging," said Downey community leader Beverly Mathis. "This year's speakers look especially interesting, and I'm sure everyone who attends will really enjoy it." Speakers will include: • Ellen Eidem, MS, Director of the Los Angeles County Public Health Department; Office of Women's Health, speaking on "The State of the Health of Women in Los Angeles County." • Dr. Szlachcic, Chair of Rancho's Department of Medicine and Director of Rancho's Spinal Cord Injury Medical Home, speaking on "Secrets for healthy aging: What you can do now to prepare yourself for a healthy future." • Sylvia Shaw, MD, Rancho's Chief, Diabetes and Endocrinology and President of Rancho's Physician Staff Asoociation, speaking on "How Hormones and Vitamins play an important role in women's health." • Amytis Towfighi MD, Chief of Rancho's Department of Neurology and Associate Medical Director, presenting on "Stroke in women: incidence, risk factors and prevention." • Stefan Bughi, MD, Rancho Staff Physician, Diabetes and Endocrinology Service and Chair of Rancho's Education Committee, presenting on "Chocolate and metabolic syndrome." • Mark Linam, DPM, Podiatrist, speaking on "What every woman should know about her feet." For further information, call the Rancho Los Amigos Foundation at (562) 401-7053 or visit, or

********** Published: October 06, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 25