The Downey Patriot

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Questions about travelogues

Dear Editor:There is a lot more involved in the cancellation of the travelogues than cited in the letter from Evelyn Colvin ("Bring Back Travelogues," 4/24/09). A profound feeling of mistrust between city officials and the older longtime patrons of the Downey Theatre has developed. The patrons don't trust the officials to provide answers to why the travelogues were cancelled. Some of our members have phoned, others have attended City Council meetings, none have been pleased with the brush-off, the whitewashing or the stonewalling type of deceitful answers they were given. We have spoken to the staff of the theater. They were surprised at the cancellation. They encouraged us to express our displeasure. We had hoped for some newspaper support, or is the political climate a little too hot for the Patriot to look into the matter? Was the decision to cancel made in a secret behind-closed-doors session? Who made the decision? Why don't "they" want their patrons to know the truth? Why can't "they" be a little more honest and forthright? The theater staff has been left out of the loop. The cancellation can't be based on economics. The staff is ready to renew for this year if the program is reinstated. There seems to be skullduggery afoot. - Carl E. Jones, Downey

********** Published: May 1, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 2