The Downey Patriot

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Dear Editor:If there were any doubt about the reemergence of the arts and culture in our community, it has been erased by the Patriot's most recent editions. Starting with the well-done story on Andrew Wahlquist and his friends in forming the Downey Arts Coalition, followed by another story on George Redfox and his board and their efforts to rescue the once highly-regarded Downey Museum of Art and his real accomplishment in organizing and advancing the Downey Conservancy through its incorporation and recognition as a 501(c) organization and recognition by the L.A. County Preservation Fund with a substantial grant, then the announcement of the series of art exhibits at Mari's Wine Bar, to be followed with the front page coverage of the forthcoming season of the Downey Civic Theatre, and the announcement of the DCLO season in its latest edition, the Patriot confirms the reemergence. The reemergence of the arts received another boost when Councilman Fernando Vasquez requested the incorporation of an arts component in the forthcoming Downey food fest. The Patriot may want to consider maintaining a column similar to the one on the theater's programs of all arts coming events in its Dining and Entertainment page as a permanent feature. I believe it would be looked upon as a great service to the cause of advancing the arts in the community. The Patriot's increasing coverage of efforts in the reemergence of the arts shows that it has its finger on the pulse of what is of real interest to the community and provides a much-needed recognition and encouragement to all the efforts underway in reestablishing the arts as a significant component of the image and reputation we enjoyed in the past as the finest community along the Gateway Cities in which to live and bring up families. It is hoped that what we see are signs that a new generation of our residents will lead us back to those days. For that, they deserve our encouragement and support. It has been surprising that not much has been reflected in the Letters to the Editor page in recognition of the Patriot's contribution to the discussion of the arts initiative in the community through its coverage in spite of the considerable discussion among its readers. I hope this letter will prompt others to add their views to the subject, for truly, the Patriot is the forum that brings the community together. -- Harold Tseklenis, Downey

********** Published: September 01, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 20