The Downey Patriot

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Psychology students present work at conference

NORWALK - Twenty-one Cerritos College psychology students presented their original empirical and pedagogical research at the 91st annual Western Psychological Association Conference in Los Angeles in April."It's a great accomplishment for our students, as this is a peer-reviewed conference and their original work was submitted and reviewed prior to acceptance," said psychology professor Dr. Kimberley Duff. "It's such an honor for them considering that most of the research presenters at this conference are usually four-year university students, graduate students or professors." The students' hard work was recognized by other scholars in the field - Dr. Jerry Rudman, national director of Psi Beta, national honor society in psychology, commended the students on their presentations. Faculty from four-year universities from around the country asked Cerritos students for copies of their reports and even invited the students to contact them when the students plan to go to graduate school. "I am confident that this group of students will follow in the footsteps of Cerritos College alumni who also presented at conferences, and then continued their level of inquiry at the graduated level," Duff said. In fact, several Cerritos College alumni, at various stages of their academic career including doctoral level students, also presented at WPA. For student Steve Kim, it was an unbelievable experience. "Being able to present and share my experiment at such a distinguished event gave me the motivation to pursue education on a higher level than I had originally intended," he said. "I left with an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment."

********** Published: June 2, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 7