The Downey Patriot

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Power 106 Celebrity Basketball Game

DOWNEY - Convivial events are always occurring at Warren, but the Power 106 Celebrity Basketball Game, held on Thursday, March 25, was perhaps one of the biggest events that attracted enough attendees to saturate the entire stadium. Although the doors opened at 6:30 p.m., inordinate amounts of students were standing an hour beforehand at the gate to buy the $10 tickets for the game, even though many students had previously bought pre-sale tickets for $5."We do basketball games every Tuesday and Thursday the entire school year, that's 82 games a year," said Mitchell DeGuzman from the Power 106 Flava Union, the M.C. of the night. "But Warren High School is one of the dopest schools and we love coming here. We appreciate that they show us love and support, and so much, and they're always enthusiastic. So we thank you." Although the Warren team, consisting of various teachers and a few students, the game ended with a loss for the Bears against the Power 106 All Stars, with an ending score of 43 to 37. Despite the loss, many students enjoyed their time at the game, particularly with the most anticipated segment of the night, the halftime entertainment show. In addition to the many members of the Power 106 family that appeared at the game, there were four main artists that debuted on the court for halftime. Mann was the first performer of the night, singing his record "Text." "Shout out to Warren High School, for being receptive to the record. Much love, Mann," said the guest celebrity after his performance The Rangers followed up as they interacted with the crowd and "jerked," a popular dance move, and even tumbled across the floor and off of the wall. The well-known Far East Movement group, soon to be touring with the infamous Lady Gaga, sang "Girls on the Dance Floor," as acclamation rose from the entire stadium as students sang along. Last but definitely not least, there was Frankie J, who received the highest applause of all, and particularly the squeals from eagerly awaiting girls. As he sang "Obsession" and a newer record called "Crush," swarms of girls engulfed him as they pushed and shoved to hug him. Surprisingly, unlike previous years, there were no security guards to block off the mass of fanatic girls from rushing towards him. "Oh my God I hugged Frankie J!" said junior Allison Norgren, one of the lucky fans that were able to reach Frankie J amidst the pushing mass. "He looked into my eyes as he was singing!" said junior Brenda Garcia, smiling from ear to ear. "When I hugged him I got butterflies." The artists weren't the only ones in the spot light during the halftime show. The boys' powderpuff cheer squad caused quite a scene as they danced a spunky routine in matching cheer skirts, with stunts and kick line included. The boys truly fulfilled their titles as male cheerleaders, for the entire stadium was roaring with laughter and applause. After the entertainment, Power 106 picked one lucky winner to try and attempt the half-court shot for a chance to win $1,000. That lucky winner was senior Alexandra Gonazalez. "It was sort of embarrassing, but I met Yesse Ortiz so I was excited because I listen to her every morning," said Gonzalez when asked how she felt after she missed the half-court shot. Clearly, the students attended the game mainly for the mid-game entertainment, for after the halftime show nearly three-quarters of the stadium rushed out to get a last glimpse of the celebrities. Regardless, the annually held celebrity basketball game was another successful event for the Bears.

********** Published: April 2, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 50