The Downey Patriot

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Photo exhibit's turnout

Dear Editor:I expect that the Downey Patriot will cover in its next issue the remarkable attendance to the photo exhibition presented by the Downey Art Vibe last Feb. 4 at the Downey Theatre. It was indeed a remarkable event from many aspects. Hundreds of young adults, late teens and early 20s flocked to the theater to view, react and discuss a wide range of photographic art by two young photographers, both products of Downey's high schools. It was impressive to observe the interaction among the attendees and listen to their animated exchanges. Although the Downey Theatre proved more than an adequate venue in this instance, in great part due to the use of the second floor gallery (used for the first time), this remarkable event also provided a clear demonstration of the need of a permanent affordable venue available for young adults - indeed all residents - to meet and share their interest in the arts, visual, performance, musical and other cultural activities on an ongoing basis. We hope the City Council will take notice and consider this need in the plan for Downtown, currently under preparation. Such an art center would certainly be a major element to a successful revitalized downtown area. - Harold Tseklenis, Downey

********** Published: February 19, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 44