The Downey Patriot

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PAC elections

Dear Editor:The Downey Redevelopment Project Area Committee (PAC) is an advisory panel to the City Council on redevelopment issues. It has represented the interests of Downey citizens since 1987, guarding against redevelopment abuses that have been seen in other cities. For example, the City of Downey has been unable to use eminent domain for redevelopment purposes since that time as a result of the PAC's actions. Next Tuesday, the PAC will hold its Annual Election. This event is an opportunity for the PAC and Downey citizens to interact with the goals of explaining the committee's role and function, gauging public sentiment, and recruiting new members. It also will include a presentation by Economic Development Director John Perfitt and representatives from developer National Community Renaissance to explain the plans for the Verizon housing project on Second Street. All interested citizens are invited to attend this year's Annual Election on Tuesday, October 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the Cormack Room of the Downey City Library and to take part, either to voice your concerns, to learn more about redevelopment, or to apply for membership. Members are selected from four categories to represent their respective interests: Homeowners, Residential Tenants, Business Owners, and Community Organizations. Candidates and voters must be from the Project Area but need not be property owners; residential and business tenants within the Project Area are equally affected and welcome (for a map of its boundaries, see the notice on page 11). Representatives for another party, corporation, or community organization will need to provide a letter confirming their authorization to participate. If you live, work or own property in the Project Area, you are encouraged to attend this meeting. Your participation either as a candidate or voter is important to the continuation of the PAC, and you will have the opportunity to express your opinion and gain information on redevelopment activity in the Project Area. Concerned citizens from outside the Project Area are encouraged to attend as well, although they are not eligible to vote or serve as members unless confirmed as a representative of an eligible party. So long as the PAC exists, eminent domain is much less likely to return to the Project Area, and the citizens of Downey will have a forum to advise the City on the fair and proper course of redevelopment planning. But this requires the support and participation of the community. Please come to the Cormack Room of the Downey City Library at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5th and see how you can help shape our future. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call (562) 896-2000. --The Downey Redevelopment Project Area Committee

********** Published: September 30, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 24