The Downey Patriot

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Open letter to Salvador Franco

Dear Editor:Dear Mr. Salvador Franco: So you want to run for office in our city? That's great but not so fast. To be completely fair I would like to state that I have never personally met you and, quite frankly, I have never heard about you until you decided to run for councilman of our fine city. As a lifelong resident of Downey, I feel obligated to ask: who are you? Where did you come from? And what do you want from our city? You may not want my vote but you want and need OUR vote. With this said and since you are running for public office, I think it is only fair you answer the public. We already know about Gabriel Orozco, the former professional athlete who enjoyed drinking beers after games and getting behind the wheel as if it were a recreational hobby. Mr. Orozco claims he has since grown up and left behind his irresponsible juvenile acts. That's great, but five DUIs, with the last one being in 2010? It sure took you a while to grow up but glad you did and, more importantly, I am glad no one was hurt during your maturity process. We already know Alex Saab; I mean, how can we not? Mr. Saab seems to be running a clean, old fashioned, grass roots campaign based on dignity, honesty and the fact that he is a homegrown product. One who was raised in Downey, went to school in Downey, attends church in Downey, lives in Downey, has his business in Downey, raising his family in Downey and, most importantly, is passionate about Downey. I don't want to make this about Saab nor Orozco, so back to the mysterious and fascinating Mr. Franco. Who is this man attempting to take Downey by surprise? I'm sure you're a good man but your run-in with the California Fair Political Practices Commission is very alarming. A former Bell Gardens politician who was fined $12,500 in 2010 after you failed to file two pre-election campaign statements; failed to file three late contribution reports and failed to file a post-election semi-annual campaign statement. Isn't this basic knowledge and common practice for anyone running for office? What about your investigation at the hands of the District Attorney's office? In addition, you claim to be pro-business and claim you will lure 100 new businesses to Downey yet you took your business from Downey to Bellflower. By the way, how did you get yourself to be endorsed by the fire union? Are you taking them out of Downey like you did your business and handing them over to L.A. County? I also noticed you are backed by Luis Marquez; no offense, but why would a Downey councilman and former mayor endorse someone with such a colorful past? Again, I mean no disrespect, however, I do feel we are entitled to the truth. This isn't Bell Gardens pal and Downey isn't for sale. I am in no way excusing you of anything that you are not already aware of. I am simply asking you to address these allegations so we get to know the man known as Franco. Jeff Jones Downey

********** Published: October 11, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 26