The Downey Patriot

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New class helps students prepare for assessment

NORWALK - In a continuing effort to enhance programs for student success, Cerritos College has announced its new Assessment Preparation Course.The Assessment Preparation Course helps students who have taken the assessment tests and need to improve their English, reading and math skills and be successful in college-level classes. Student Gabriela Castro took the preparatory math course this spring. "I was able to access the course at home and whenever I wanted to, and if I had a question I could get help from the teacher quite easily," she said. "The program broke down math to components so I could understand the concept." After taking the prep course Castro jumped two levels in math. The course may help underprepared students save time and costs in order to reach college level. In a traditional classroom setting, underprepared students are challenged. The computer-based classes are individually customized 10-week class based on each student's skill level. The self-paced classes fit each student's needs and schedule and are supported by an instructor and tutors. Cerritos College was one of 11 colleges nationwide which participated in the pilot program in fall 2011, and the results were impressive. Approximately half of the students who took the course improved in English, reading and math, and about 1/3 to half of them improved their placement level by one or more courses. The Assessment Preparation Course appropriately places students, helps them master core concepts and prepares them for college level classes. It helps reduce the time it takes students to earn a degree and reach their dream. The Assessment Preparation Course will be offered in summer and fall 2012. Students can register online using MyCerritos. The course is tuition-free but there will be a small materials fee.

********** Published: June 28, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 11