The Downey Patriot

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Memorial Day tribute

Dear Editor:Like everyone else, my husband and I have our personal griefs and trials. Like many, we are frustrated by the state of our nation, by seeing friends and relatives out of work, by seeing liberty eroded by an ever more intrusive government. But whatever our personal situations, we would like to encourage people to get out and vote this year. This is a privilege not to be taken lightly. Generations of individuals have served, suffered and even died to keep our country one free republic under God, governed by our unparalleled Constitution. They defended our right to self-government. They defended our right to vote, to fight in daily ways to keep our wonderful nation true to its foundation. My dad grew up during WWI and remembered hearing the new poem "In Flanders Field." As I grew up, he always got a paper poppy from a veteran to remind us to honor the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for us. He taught me the words for "Taps" when I was a child: "all is well, safely rest, God is nigh..." Those words and memories have echoed down the years as my family has attended the Downey Cemetery on Memorial Day, where the city and American Legion honor those who died in service of our country, as well as living veterans and service members. I am so glad Downey has this moving tribute every year. May we never forget what has been done for us. May we never take for granted the blessings we enjoy by God's gracious mercy. May we teach our children and grandchildren what we are remembering on Memorial Day. Get out and vote, and come to the Memorial Day service next year. And thanks to all you vets and service members. Glory Derryberry Downey

********** Published: May 31, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 07