The Downey Patriot

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Mellana lands non-partisan endorsement

DOWNEY - In an effort to reduce political corruption in Sacramento next year, the Independence Caucus has endorsed 50th district candidate P.J. Mellana for State Assembly.Founded in 2008, the national, non-partisan organization exposes candidates who use special interest money to win elections and supports candidates who value tax reform, limited government and individual liberty. "I'm excited to partner with them because they're a grassroots organization," said Mellana, a registered Republican. "A lot of their values line up with mine." Stephanie Jahn, who represents California in the organization, applauded Mellana's values and his decision to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, a contract signed by elected officials with the promise to oppose any and all tax increases. "We here at the Independence Caucus have high hopes for P.J. Mellana," said Jahn in a released statement. "He is a wonderful candidate and in this era of greed, corruption and closed doors in Sacramento, P.J. Mellana stands to bring a welcomed change." In the past, Mellana has criticized the four democratic contenders for their ties to Sacramento and embrace of wasteful spending practices. "One of the candidates in this election has raised a lot of money, but from other areas," Mellana said. "The Independence Caucus fights corruption on either side of the aisle." The Independence Caucus was formed by active campaign volunteers who helped elect republican Jason Chaffetz of Utah to the U.S. Congress after rallying against a six-term incumbent who they accused of being "compromised by the "big money" of special interest groups."

********** Published: December 11, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 33