The Downey Patriot

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Local hero

Dear Editor:On April 14, a young child at a Downey preschool was choking on a hot dog. That child was saved from possible suffocation by an alert and caring teacher. The teacher saw what was happening and in a split second gave the child the Heimlich maneuver, causing the hot dog to dislodge from the child's throat and clear the airway to prevent suffocation. We always hear about the crazy bad things that some psycho does to another human being, but we rarely hear about a hero amongst us. I'm proud of my sister, Pamela Wallace, for being that caring teacher. Way to go Pam. We all love you and I'm sure that the parents of this child love you, too. -- AJ Gaston, Downey

********** Published: April 21, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 1