The Downey Patriot

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Living the magic life

DOWNEY - Only 20 and yet managing to already live a life full of magic, Anthony Chacon from Downey is the star of a variety of shows through his tricks and acts performed before an audience.Ever since viewing his first magic show at the age of 14, Chacon had an urge to do exactly as he saw and perform magic for others. Though only having two or three tricks up his sleeve, Chacon wasted no time in making a place for himself in the world as a magician at his middle school. It was there that his first performances were made, though these acts can at best be deemed amateurish. "We went to a little magic shop and we bought a little magic kit," said Chacon. "From there I just got the magic bug and started performing magic at my school, East Middle School, and I was horrible. But I started doing it, little by little." Time and effort pooled into greater success in the future as Chacon began opening up his magic for business and eventually holding his own shows. Chacon has performed a variety of close-up shows, where he is hired or booked to perform up close and personal for adults specifically as his main target of audience, avoiding all contact with children when it comes to his business. Though he is his own boss for the most part, Chacon also performs a dual stage act called Glo at a mysterious and exclusive famous club called The Magic Castle. "Pretty much the act is all glow in the dark and it's an upbeat type of act with juggling and poi and dancing and it's really upbeat music and it's all glow in the dark so it's really, really cool," said the young magician. "That's what I do now. You get the little jitter-jitter bugs here and there but I think that's good. I think it's always good to have a little bit of nerves before you hit the stage." After Chacon's skills grabbed the attention of an illusionist, the young magician found himself touring various cities throughout the United States, even offering his assistance as a part of the magic crew on the famous show "America's Best Dance Crew". The success that has been met during his magic career, including the traveling, fills Chacon with ultimate content and even pride for accomplishing so much at a young age. However, this magician has other skills and talents he still wishes to delve within, further cultivate, and eventually perform. "I love magic," said Chacon. "Magic will always be something that will always be a part of my life but I honestly love music. I play guitar and I sing. I want to be able to wake up in the morning, write my songs in a notebook, and to get on a stage and play. The ultimate career choice is definitely music." Having led a successful career in magic and having already made his debut as a musician, Chacon can certainly be accused of living one magical life.

********** Published: July 29, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 15