The Downey Patriot

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Lincoln assassination

Dear Editor: It has been 150 years since President Lincoln was assassinated.

Very few books or documentaries ever mention that Mr. Louis Whiteman told a military person named Captain R. Gleeson on March 25, 1865 that he overheard John Wilkes Booth, John Suratt and Mr. Paine talk about killing President Lincoln.

Mr. Whiteman was living in the same hotel and sharing a room with John Saratt.

Captain Gleeson told Captain McDavitt and Lt. Sharp and they filed a report but nothing was done about it. The secretary of war also was aware of it. He did nothing.

March 25 to April 14 is 30 days before President Lincoln was assassinated.

Whey didn’t they investigate this?

Mike Sandoval




Published: April 16, 2015 - Volume 14 - Issue 01