The Downey Patriot

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Letters to the Editor: Who's to blame for the Jan. 6 insurrection? The answer is obvious.

Dear Editor:

This letter is in response to Martha Morrissy’s letter from June 16 (“Time to Move On From Jan. 6”).

It’s astounding to read the claims that Donald Trump urged Congress to prepare for possible unrest on January 6 when all evidence says otherwise. First, it was Trump who urged his supporters to travel to Washington, D.C. and even tweeted about it in the days and weeks leading up to January 6.

Second, his Acting Defense Secretary, Christopher C. Miller, ordered National Guard troops to not be armed with weapons, batons, and ballistic equipment, only two days before January 6.

Third, after the insurrectionists had stormed the Capitol, President Trump refused to send in the National Guard; Vice President Mike Pence circumvented protocol and authorized the deployment of the D.C. National Guard hours after the initial storming took place. It’s an odd display of cognitive dissonance where the man responsible for organizing the protest-turned-insurrection and sabotaged the deployment of National Guard troops is also the man who had the foresight to warn Nancy Pelosi of “possible bad behavior” and unfortunately his warnings were not heeded. It’s curious how the commander-in-chief, the most powerful man in the country, and arguably the world, could not have done more to prevent the insurrection from taking place and could only warn the House Speaker.

As for moving on from January 6, a recent ABC News poll showed 58% of Americans think Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the insurrection, while a poll from Quinnipiac shows 64% of Americans think the attack on the Capitol was planned, which surprises me given the polarization in the country.

As a country, we can walk and chew gum at the same time, finding solutions to inflation, gas prices, as well as getting to the bottom of what happened on January 6, 2021.

Edward Valencia

Dear Editor:

The invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 should not and would not have happened if Trump and some of his minions had not deliberately plotted to overthrow the democratically elected government of the United State of America.

Every time I hear a Republican legislator say it is “time to move on” from January 6, 2021, I immediately think that that person must have something to hide. Who in their right mind can object to an in-depth investigation of such a horrific act? Only someone with a guilty conscience, or who may be afraid of being found out.

Thankfully, as we are now hearing, there were also a number of honest Republicans who did their duty to the country and did not cave in to pressure from those evil-doers who wished to overthrow democracy.

I seem to remember some people making a very big deal, along with chants of “lock her up,” about Hilary Clinton’s email server. So why now are now hearing no chants of “Lock Him Up - Lock Him Up - Lock Him Up?”

Curious isn’t it?

Gina Grissom