The Downey Patriot

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Letters to the Editor: Gun control debate

Dear Editor:

Guns are inert weapons that need activation by a person or thing. Guns do not kill.

Killings with guns are done by misguided brains - brains that were malformed at birth, brains that were radicalized on the internet as was the killer in Buffalo, brains that are possessed with pure evil, brains under the influence of drugs, brains which are filled with hate, brains that are racist, brains influenced by horrible “killing” videos that desensitize the brain whereby the individual no longer has empathy or compassion for others and thus kills without concern for what he/she is doing.

Because mental illness seems so prevalent in our modern society, the sensible thing and simplest mitigating tool to prevent school killings would be to have one point of entry. At this entry would be metal detectors and security police with guns. All backpacks and persons would be required to pass through the metal detector as is required in courts, airports, and cruise ships.

On cruise ships, in addition to metal detecting screening, each passenger has a photo card key that is scanned each time a person leaves or returns to the ship.

Bottom line: Guns are inert weapons that need activation by a person or thing to kill. Our mental laws should be changed to allow reporting of abnormal, threatening behavior to proper authorities, the police, schools, and places selling guns.

Martha Morrissy

Dear Editor:

Guns should be purchased at police stations. The NRA could man these rooms.

All guns should be sold to people 21 or older. Background checks, fingerprints, medical exams, etc. should be done at police stations with a police officer overseeing it. No more gun shows, no more guns being sold through magazines.

If the police station needs to add another room for this, city taxes will pay for it. No guns sold elsewhere.

Training to use the gun should be required on Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm only.

Perhaps we also need a curfew from 9 pm to 6 am. If stopped by police, show your ID and place of business, along with the name of your boss and phone number.

Marilyn Madru