The Downey Patriot

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Letters to the Editor: Fund the Rose Float, not pride

Dear Editor:

If the City of Downey is flush with cash having funded $25,000 to pay for a two-day pride event which provided entertainment for a select group, the city should double that amount and donate it to the Downey Rose Float Association so they have the funds to build a great float for the Tournament of Roses Parade which will display pride for all people in the City of Downey.

This float would be part of a big event that brings pleasure to millions of people and not one directed to a select group.

Martha Morrissy

Dear Editor:

Apparently the city of Downey has extra money to fund a pride festival. How about giving that money to the Downey Rose Float who are more deserving of the money.

The rose float embodies the Christian values Downey takes pride in.

Jason Tunga