The Downey Patriot

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Letters to the Editor: Deteriorated streets

Dear Editor:

Downey is riddled in potholes that ruin your tires and leaders that will neither get the road work done or reimburse drivers expenses to fix them.

I want our leaders to please speak up and explain those policies so the citizens of Downey are aware how they do their job.

Barbara Lidie

Dear Editor:

I remember as a young adult driving through Downey and seeing how well kept and clean the city looked and thinking, “Man, I sure would love to live in this city.”

Now as a homeowner, I see the disarray the city streets are in and wonder, “Why is the city allowing this to happen?” There is hardly a street you can drive by and not worry about breaking an axle on your vehicle due to the numerous potholes.

I’ve seen many contractors working on the roads and the patchwork they leave behind resembles something that was created by a kindergartener with playdough. Contractors seem to leave the roads in worse conditions than they were before. Case in point, drive eastbound on Imperial Highway just shy of Lakewood. There are over a dozen patch jobs on the road and if you drive over any of them, you just might leave pieces of your car behind.

I truly wish the city or its departments would have more pride and better oversight of what the contractors are doing and in what condition they leave their end product before cutting that check and letting them go on their merry way.

Edward Ramos