The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Yes on the recall

Dear Editor:

After I read Frank Kearns opinion on voting no on the recall, I had to respond.

Now Gavin Newsom is a good politician. Read carefully: a good politician. Politicians are corrupt and speak what people want to hear. Last year, when Newsom set all those horrible shut downs, he continued to have a party with friends unmasked. I guess it didn’t matter to him.

Now only that, but what progress has California actually done? We are the worst state to create a business in (ranked 48), people are fleeing to Texas, Arizona, and Florida (6.1 million from 2010 to 2020), we have the worst homeless crisis, our housing prices are rising, people can’t afford homes, he allowed the Black Lives Matter protestors to destroy and not follow guidelines, truckers have been suffering from horrible truck regulations, gas prices are ridiculous, and our public schools are some of the worst.

How can people ignore all this? How is this democratic?

California was once the greatest state and I truly love this state. I am 21 years old and I want to continue to live here. The reason why we have this recall is because he has positioned this state to doom. Texas and Florida have been doing better than California.

Another point to add: people have the freedom to choose whether to get vaccinated or not, or to wear a mask up or not. You cannot force people.

Masks for mental health individuals don’t make it any easier and I can attest to that.

Roger Orellana