The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Trump was implicit

Dear Editor: 

I would like to thank my congressional representative, Lucille Roybal-Allard, for voting in a responsible and conscientious manner to impeach Donald J. Trump. 

Speaking truth to power is not always easy, but not doing so would have been an acceptance of the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol. 

For anyone who wants to better understand the gravity of these insurrections, all they need know to do is look up the definition of the word coup. It describes an illegal attempt to take power through force or the threat of force, usually involving at least one faction of the military or formal security forces. While many of the rioters were armed and dangerous, they lacked the knowledge and skills to overthrow the government. 

Nevertheless, we cannot dispute this event will go down in U.S. history as the closest thing to a coup, sponsored, directed and encouraged by Donald J Trump.

M. Padilla