The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Taking the initiative

Dear Editor:

In Jack Russell’s interesting letter to the editor (“Picking Up Trash,” 12/31/15), he tells of picking up trash in his neighborhood on his morning walks. He states he is not a youth, he is 76 years old. 

A few years ago graffiti was rampant in my area so I bought several cases of a chemical spray for removing those tags. In a case carried over my shoulder, I had cans of spray, spatulas for removing signs affixed to posts, on walls, on telephone booths and rags for cleaning up the area. 
It was a great feeling of satisfaction to clean up the area but in addition it saved the city great sums of money for me to clean those areas. 

Downey graffiti lead worker Lisa Fox was kind enough to give me many tips for removing and cleaning up these areas. With my equipment I could quickly remove the graffiti and leave the area clean. 

Jack Russell stated in his letter that he is not a youth; he is 76 years old while I am 94. 

Byron Dillon