The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Support for Garcia

Dear Editor:

As a retired member of the California Federation of Teachers, I can’t help but shake my head at the vicious attacks against Cristina Garcia, our 58th District Assemblywoman. The past letter from the Hubert H. Humphrey Democratic Club was spot-on for voicing opposition to the relentless propaganda against her.

When voters are well-informed, we see through the litany of personal attacks, and, instead, focus on merit. I believe many citizens care about clean air, a healthy environment, social justice and equality for women, children and families, government transparency, jobs, and frankly a leader, who will get things done. She hasn’t backed down from political corruption and from tackling pressing issues. She will persist, even in the face of adversity.

This past Sunday on the eve of yet another deadly attack against our Jewish brethren and numerous bomb threats against political leaders and activists, a pastor’s message strongly resonated with me. In part, his message conveyed, “As a community, we may express our opinions; however, the tone should never be in harsh judgement and condemnation of others. Instead, we should uplift people, be of service to others and conduct ourselves in the spirit of love and unity.”

His message reminded me of the context of our despicable political climate. I couldn’t agree more with my pastor’s message. Moreover, I applaud the Hubert H. Humphrey Democratic Club and others for supporting Ms. Garcia’s re-election. For uplifting her. For valuing her service to the 58th Assembly District she courageously represents. Please join informed voters on November 6th and vote. Strong representation matters; and more kindness and unity is what we desperately need from our current leaders.

Linda Johnson