The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Riverbed clean-up

Dear Editor:

Approximately four weeks ago, Blue Ocean Environmental Services began cleanup of debris left behind by the now-vacated homeless encampments in the San Gabriel Riverbed. That provided immediate safety relief for regular users of the park and those that hike or bike the riverbed trail. 

Additionally, this past Saturday approximately 100 students and staff (Downey and Warren) volunteered their morning to continue cleanup in the riverbed. I’m very thankful for their services but know that safety precautions need to be heeded for the safety of students (vest, proper attire, gloves, bags, training).

While commended for their cleanup efforts, the riverbed is still in need of removal of other debris especially on or along the trail path. Hopefully, other community volunteer groups can contact the City of Downey or the Los Angeles County Public Works office to coordinate a work party to continue removal of much unsightly debris along the pathway.

My concern now is the dense amount of brush that now has dried out between Florence and Firestone. I believe it poses a great fire danger and this will require professional
services to cut and clear.

Hopefully, this can also be coordinated and accomplished before the rainy season begins. 

Jim Weidner