The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Reopen Downey schools

Dear Editor:

I’m a 20-year resident of Downey. I think the Downey school board’s hasty decision to close its schools going forward is ill-advised and stupid. 

Perhaps the school board and its colleagues are so busy they can’t keep up with the fake news media.

Rather than rise to the occasion (always remember, “Character Counts”), my local school board is (as usual) simply following the teachers union’s instructions.

As I am sure you are aware, the older generation thinks the kids today are mostly ignorant, devoid of any skills necessary for critical thinking. The crisis in education is real.

The school board’s decision to “shake down” the public for more money is mostly political and a perfect example of the culture wars brought about by the internet and easy access to alternative, and sometimes, true and correct information.

Unfortunately, apparently the school board and its colleagues, and the children they have dominion over, share in a deficiency of intellectual curiosity.

If school board members would like to reach out for some independent thinking, I suggest they do so. The first place you should check out is

In short, COVID-19 is not a threat to children.

Secondly, each board member should get a clue and decide for themselves whether they want to live under United Nations Command and Control or think for themselves for everyone’s benefit.

I think if Character Counts in Downey, the school board, administrators, and teachers, would back up a little bit from the money extraction system they perpetually conduct and think about the children.

Charles Gerlach