The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Protesting Trump

Dear Editor:

Mike Sandoval of Downey writes "All the people that are demonstrating against the election are demonstrating against democracy."

Have you considered, Mr. Sandoval, that all of those people simply hold a higher standard for the office and this country than perhaps you?

Tom Fray

Dear Editor:

In response to Mike Sandoval’s letter to the editor, in which he wrote that “all the people demonstrating against the election were demonstrating against Democracy," clearly Mike does not know the definition of democracy.

Democracy is control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. Clinton received more than two million votes than president-elect Trump. Even if she had not received the majority of the votes people have the right to protest.

If you don’t agree with democracy or freedom of speech that is a constitutionally right afforded by the First Amendment, you may want to consider self-deporting to a land that is more suited to your line of thinking.

Edgar Jaime