The Downey Patriot

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Planned Parenthood

Dear Editor: 

Kathleen Turner's opinion regarding Planned Parenthood was very misleading. I want to address her premise that cancer screenings and other reproductive health care for women will vanish if Planned Parenthood loses funding. That is simply not the case in this country.

Here are the facts:

Most insurance companies and Medicare cover the cost of mammograms. And, in many parts of the U.S., free or low-cost mammograms are offered through national programs or community organizations.

Also, the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides timely breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women all across the nation - even in rural areas. This program is provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). These are only a few resources of the many out there specifically created to provide women's health care.

Also, as someone who opposes abortion because it is the killing of a human child, I must say that I do not oppose access to low-cost and free cervical cancer screenings, contraception, and other women's health care. Do not conflate my views on abortion with my views on access to women's health care. That is a moot point and confuses the real issue at hand.

Tragically, in September, Senate Democrats struck down a bill that would prevent late-term abortions. This means that babies as old as 5 months in the womb could be aborted. Truly horrific.

Pat Aldo