The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Our country was better with Trump as president

Dear Editor:

The Jan. 6th Investigative Hearing Committee is made up of 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans (in name only) - all who hate President Trump.

This committee is the judge, jury, and prosecutor with Donald J. Trump, the defendant, who is not allowed to state his case nor have his defense attorney present. Election results have been questioned many times in the past, but with President Trump, when he questions voting irregularities in some of the State Legislatures, he’s accused of attempting to overturn an election.

If, as Jorge Montero says, Donald Trump is a dictator - Nicaragua’s Ortega in the making - why would President Trump during his four years in office secure the southern border, make our country energy independent, broker peace with Muslim countries and Israel, enable our economy to thrive, and keep us out of new wars? There were no new wars under Trump’s leadership.

President Biden, on his first day in office with a stroke of a pen, cancelled the construction of the border wall, leaving the border wide open for anyone and everything to enter our country; shut down the XL Keystone pipeline and drilling sites; because of weakness shown in the debacle when exiting Afghanistan, prompted Russia to invade Ukraine - a war that never would have happened under Trump’s leadership. Under Biden’s inept leadership, inflation is now over 8%, gasoline prices are the highest ever, food costs are skyrocketing, and mothers are unable to get baby formula for their infants. Biden has been acting more like a dictator than Trump ever did.

Seeing the deplorable shape our county is in under the Biden administration, I can’t wait until the Republicans take over the House and Senate in November, and can’t contain the excitement I feel for 2024 to arrive when, hopefully, I can again cast my vote for the greatest president our country has ever had - Donald Trump.

Martha Morrissy