The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Neighborhood nuisance

Dear Editor:

After the neighborhood behind Stox Restaurant has once again been awakened from the disturbances at Hully Gully nightclub, we awake to find our weekend deposit of urine, human poop, White Claw cans, used condoms, beer bottles, cigarettes, and everyone’s favorite, 40’s and Four Lokos. 

We were even awakened last night by cars colliding with each other, and both drivers discussing how they were both too drunk to report it so they called it good... after 30 mins of yelling. 

A drunk girl was so drunk she locked her keys in the car, beating on it, making the alarm go off until the tow truck driver came... oh, and the tow truck driver opened her car and gave her the keys, and we watched her drive off. 

Every weekend other neighbors and I walk the streets to pick up four bags’ worth of party-related trash. On Monday morning we report this to our City Hall health and code enforcement departments, with nothing to be done. Every weekend, every Monday, same thing. The City of Downey is not doing a thing. No police presence, no nothing. 

Thanks, City of Downey, for doing nothing to protect residents’ health. Thanks for helping with the spread of this pandemic.

This is shameful, City of Downey. I have pictures as proof if needed. 

Michael Ray