The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Military opportunities

Dear Editor:

My esteemed fellow Rotarian, Mario Guerra, has written very eloquently that we should encourage our young people to explore the military as a potential career path.

I agree completely with him but I think he should also offer the same opportunity to our senior citizens that have not served in the military. These would be non-combatant positions as administrators, buyers, counselors, coaches, et al.

Serving in the military would give many seniors a sense of purpose, something that many lack in retirement.

I propose a Senior Draft which would require every senior who has reached full retirement age or is receiving Social Security benefits and has not done military service to be required to serve two years in the armed forces. Civilian work in any area of the Department of Defense will not count as a deferment for service. This way, President Donald Trump will not have another excuse to avoid military service.

By taking over many of the non-combatant positions in the military our seniors would give many young service men the opportunity to die for their country. I can not think of a bigger honor.

Jorge Montero