The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Make the switch to electric

Dear Editor:

Now is the time for the U.S. to make the switch from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

This will accomplish two things: 1) Limit Russian President Putin’s power to wage war on Ukraine, as Russia’s main source of income is selling oil and gas abroad which he uses to fuel his war on Ukraine, and 2) Tackle the existential threat of global warming/climate change.

Let’s take away Putin’s leverage by reducing worldwide dependence on fossil fuels. Start by sending heat pumps to heat and cool homes across Europe so they don’t need Russian gas, in a modern-day Marshall Plan. Then let’s reduce our own energy costs by investing in energy efficiency, renewable energy, the electric transmission grid, and hybrid-electric and electric vehicles. Putting a price on carbon with the money collected returned to all American families through monthly dividend checks will help ease the burden on moderate- and lower-income families.

We drive a 2 ½-year old plug-in hybrid electric car. We charge it at home when it is convenient for us, and it can be charged automatically with a timer at night or during the day, whenever rates are cheapest. We have driven it over 18,600 miles and have saved a ton of money on gas. We only fill up with gas once or twice a month and each time usually costs less than twenty dollars. The electricity to charge it costs about one dollar per gallon equivalent and it takes about 90 minutes to add up to 60 miles of range, less if it is partially charged. I can check the number of electric and gas miles available on my smartphone; when driving, it automatically switches to gas after the electricity runs out. For driving around Southern California, it is the perfect car.

Why is the world still so dependent on fossil fuels? We are unwilling to change, to try something new. We feel comfortable with what we know. But sometimes we must change, for ourselves and future generations.

Now is the time.

Anita Rivero