The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Mail thieves

Dear Editor:

I live in the Downey "triangle" bordering Norwalk.

Over the last year, I have lost mail that I have sent from certain street mailboxes. It seems that someone is using a sticky substance on the pull down shelf of the mailbox. This causes your mail to stick on the shelf and your letter will not fall securely into the mailbox.

If you are in a hurry, and do not check if your letters fell all the way in, the next person can pull your letters out.

I found this on the mailboxes on Cecilia Street and Fairford Avenue, on Studebaker Road near Firestone Boulevard (next to Chuck E. Cheese) and Stater Brothers parking lot  on Firestone and Orr and Day.

In speaking with the Norwalk Postmaster, he is aware of it. It is a crime that is very hard to prosecute, and he gave me this advice:

■Mail your letters only at the Post Office.
■Check the pickup time on the street mailboxes and drop your letters in the mailbox as close to possible to pick up time. 
■Do not allow your letters to sit in the mailbox over night or over the weekend.

Hope this stops and that the advice will help you.

Vincent Diaz