The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Kaepernick's disrespect

Dear Editor:

Shame on Colin Kaepernick for disrespecting our country by refusing to stand for our national anthem, which represents our patriotism and freedom for which so many gave their lives to protect and preserve. 

Regardless of the cause, even if it is a worthy one, that’s the wrong way to present it and is an insult to our country and all who bravely fought to defend it. 

Being a longtime 49ers fan, many of us won’t be rooting quite as loud when he fades back to pass. It’s really a shame to have mixed emotions because of the disrespectful act of one unpatriotic team member and is certainly no reflection on any of the rest of the team. 

Good luck, Niners, with or without Colin.

Harold Hougland